Myles Williamson

Myles Williamson (he/him)



I am currently a lecturer in the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Baltimore. I received my Ph.D. in political science from the University of Alabama in the summer of 2024. 

My research broadly focuses on human rights, LGBT+ politics, and political regime transformation. My dissertation investigates variation in transgender rights worldwide, paying particular attention to the influence that factors like regime type and religion have on countries' decisions to advance or repress these rights. As a part of this research, I also created the Trans Rights Indicator Project (TRIP). My solo-authored article introducing this dataset can be found here in Perspectives on Politics. You can also read more about the TRIP dataset here

On behalf of my dissertation research, I was the recipient of the 2024 Kenneth Sherrill Best Dissertation Award from the Sexuality and Politics section of APSA, the Empirical Study of Gender Network (EGEN) 2023 Prize, and the University of Alabama Department of Political Science "Outstanding Research by a Graduate Student" award. The TRIP dataset also received the 2024 "Lijphart/Przeworski/Verba Best Dataset Honorable Mention" from the Comparative Politics section of APSA. 

I am also a member of the Comparative Political Regimes (CPR) Lab. Our current projects focus on regime resilience and breakdown throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Read more about our research here